Simply put the 12 for 12k challenge aims to raise $12,000 for a different charity each month largely through the help of social media. I joined Danny Brown to help spread the word about the 12 for 12k challenge and to help raise money for the various charities. For the month of February we are helping “Stop the Silence” which is a charity the deals with the sexual abuse of children.
So far around $2,200 has been raised and we would love your help to get to 12k by the end of this month.
If you’d like to help you can click on the little “chip in” button within the widget. If you want to help spread the word about the 12 for 12k challenge (which I hope you will), then please visit the promote page and pick up a badge to put on your site. I realize that we are now in tough economic times, but every little bit helps. Danny has spearheaded a noble effort to help those that are in need of our support. If you can donate a few dollars then please do so. 100% of the money that we raise is going straight to the charity that we help each month.
If you have any ideas for how we can help spread the word and raise awareness about what we are doing then please email me. If you run or work for a company then please let your executives know about the 12 for 12k challenge. Let’s work together on this and raise money for 12 noble causes.
Please spread the word!