Junta 42 is a collection of (around 42) top bloggers and thought leaders from the social media and marketing industries. Today, Junta 42 released a collaborative document of 42+ social media and content marketing predictions for 2009. Most of the members of Junta 42 participated, including yours truly, here is what I said:
“Prediction: It’s no secret that social media is going to be a killer way for brand marketers to distribute and create their content. I think the main challenge is going to be how to measure the value or “ROI” on social media efforts and how to replicate social media successes. I am hoping that 2009 will bring about the integration of traditional media, social media, and search. Once a company can master the integration of all three, they will have a killer campaign.
I think we are also going to see Twitter blow up in terms of users – be prepared for a lot of spam and a lot of junk. The quality of Twitter and it’s ability to filter spam is definitely going to be tested. We are already seeing some of this now. Truth be told, 2009 is going to involve a lot of testing and trial and error for brand marketers. There is no formula for social media success. However, we are also going to venture into an exciting time where companies and brands are going to try new things that will hopefully lead to case studies and examples that can be applied across the industry. Will we see a television commercial mention a corporate twitter account? We’ll see.
I’m hoping that in 2009 companies and marketers will really see the value in building relationships with their users and customers through social media.”
There are a lot of other great comments and predictions from thought leaders like:
- Scott Monty
- Brian Solis
- Jason Falls
- Ann Handley
- Paul Gillin
- Valeria Maltoni
Check out some of the other predictions for 2009 and leave yours in the comment section. What changes do you predict in the social media and content marketing space for 2009?
Thanks for reading!