There are some truly great and thought provoking Social CRM posts out there that I believe to an excellent job of helping move the SCRM space and the discussions around it forward.  I wanted to take this opportunity to highlight some of those posts and REALLY encourage you read to read all of them.  I did include two of my posts in the list as well just because I think they are quite unique and really do help add some value and perspective to the SCRM space (hey I could have just listed of all my posts like some other people do right?).  I know there are a lot of great other SCRM posts out there as well so if you have one you want to share with the readers of this site the please leave it in the comments section.  This should be a great reading list for everyone over the weekend, we’re going to start talking about some interesting in depth topics again soon and I think the posts I’ve highlighted below will really help you you understand SCRM and some of the topics I want to address here in the future.  So here is my list of some must read Social CRM posts.

  • The Social CRM Roadmap by Esteban Kolsky- a 5 part series that looks at what and how things are changing from CRM to SCRM.  Esteban goes pretty in depth in some of his concepts and ideas.
  • 6 Degress of Social Interactions by Mitch Lieberman- A very interesting look at how a customer goes from being non-social to social via a gradual progressions.  Good food for thought and something you will see again shortly in an upcoming position paper.
  • Definition of Social CRM by Paul Greenberg- Of course I had to include this seminal post by Paul which essentially explains what SCRM is.
  • The CRM Iceberg and Social Software by Ross Mayfield- A really great post from around a year ago which talks about people as the new platform and the importance of both internal and external collaboration.  A longer post put very thought provoking and worth your time.
  • The New Social Customer Advocate by Brian Vellmure- Brian asks some challenging questions around understanding and empower your social customer advocate.
  • The “S” in Social CRM is Not About Social Media by Wim Rampen- I think the title of the post says it all.
  • Enterprise 2.0 vs Social CRM, Fight or Tango? by Prem Kumar- A great post from around a year ago which talks about how E2.0 and SCRM need to work together in order to achieve an optimal result.
  • Hop on the Social CRM Express by Denis Pombriant- A great post on the value of communities and the idea of “doing” Social CRM without the use of technology.
  • What is the Real Value of Social CRM by me- I decided to include this post because I think it’s important.  I talk about where I see the real value of Social CRM.
  • The Evolution of the Social CRM Process by me- I really wanted to include this one in here as well just because I haven’t really seen many other posts that try to apply an actual process around SCRM.  I’m not saying that what I put together is right or wrong but I do think it’s a good starting point for companies and hopefully something they can visualize (also check out this post by Laurence on a Business Framework for CRM and SCRM).
  • Software Doesn’t Drive Relationships; People Do by Laurence Buchanan- Again, the title says it all

Again, if you have any other posts you think people need to read, leave links to them in the comments section.  If you have any feedback on the posts you read above then by all means please share it here and we can have a discussion about it.  Have a great weekend, see you back here Monday!
