I received a phone book today. A big fat yellow phone book. In fact, my whole complex received a phone book, we’re talking about thousands of people with thousands of notebook. I did what everyone else did with their phone books and put it down the recycling bin. Whe is the last time you used a phone book and why do phone books still exist?
What if instead of a phone book I was just given a little sheet of paper that said “If you are looking for anything, we are now online, here’s the link (if you would like a hardcopy phone book call this number….)”? It is actually faster to go to google and type in “san francisco plumber” then it is to actually look up a san francisco plumber in the phone book (time yourself if you think I’m crazy). This made me wonder how many more times I’m going to receive a phone book before someone figures out that it’s just not worth it anymore to deliver a phone book to my doorstep.
Print media and publications are in trouble, but at least we have no shortage of recycling material…
thanks for reading!