Apple and the FBI are embroiled in quite a privacy and security issue. The FBI wants Apple to help them access the iPhone of one of the San Bernardino shooters, essentially hacking their own phone. Apple is fighting back saying that if they provide the FBI with a way to access the phone that the government could potentially access any iPhone. Clearly the privacy and security implications here are quite large. Apple has garnered a lot of support from their users for standing up to the FBI. Of course there are also plenty of people who side with the FBI saying that of course Apple should help them get access to the phone of terrorist, especially if it means getting access to valuable information that could help the FBI learn more about what happened and why (and how to prevent these things from happening in the future). So who is right? Should Apple help the FBI or is the FBI overstepping it’s bounds?

This discussion is now leading to debates around the future of privacy, security and even ethics. In general, many of us are not aware of how much information we willingly give up every day to third party providers such as Apple, Amazon and Netflix, when we sign up for and use their services. Many people seem to be indifferent and even OK with giving up information when they don’t know what it is that they are giving up. What we can learn from this situation is that privacy and security has become a grey area.

Jacob Morgan is a keynote speaker, author, and futurist. You can invite Jacob to keynote your next conference, subscribe to his videos on Youtube, check our his podcast, or subscribe to his newsletter!
