Social Media and SEO can be a very powerful combination when used together. A lot of companies and individuals usually focus on one or the other, that’s a mistake. SEO is basically the process of “getting found” in search engines. Type my name “Jacob Morgan” into any major search engine and my site comes up first out of around 10,000,000 total search results, that’s SEO. Now read one of the articles and scroll down, see the comments? The links to my twitter/facebook/linkedin pages? That’s Social Media.
Why do you need SEO?
Well quite frankly you need SEO to exist online. You can offer an amazing product or service, but if nobody can find it (or you), then you don’t exist. If someone types your name into Google what comes up? If someone types in a particular service or product that you offer into search engines, (let’s say discount laptops or PR consulting) does your site come up? Now, SEO is actually a lot more technical and complex but as I said, the whole point is to get found online. You have to remember that you aren’t the only one out there who offers marketing services and you’re not the only one who sells laptop parts. There are thousands of other people or companies out there that you are competing with, so you have to make sure that when someone is looking for something that you offer, that they find you.
Why do you need Social Media?
You want to build relationships with your readers and users so that you know what they want and expect from you. Relationships also let you communicate with the people that actually care about you. To use an analogy, if a random person with a megaphone comes up to you and starts yelling at you to buy a new razor would you? Now imagine that a friend of yours tells you about the same razor, who are you more likely to listen to? That is the power of relationships and every company and individual needs to build them…always! Social media is the best relationship building tool there is. Social media also benefits multiple departments such as HR, product development, marketing, advertising/sales, and customer support, not to mention internal communication. Social media is a very robust communication and relationship building platform that everyone should be taking advantage of. Of course, most of the platforms and tools out there are free, but you have to put in the time in order to succeed.

Why do you need SEO and Social Media?
Look at it like this, SEO brings people to your site and social media lets you build the relationships and connections WITH the people that are visiting your site. Think of it as trying to continuously get repeat business. Once you have built relationships with people you can then reach out to them. For example, I have around 900 plus twitter followers (most of who have found me through my blog or an article I have written elsewhere) and when I write a new post those 900 people find out about it instantly, then they can share the post with THEIR followers and so on.
You have to understand that even if you begin using a social media platform such as WordPress, that you will need SEO to make your WordPress site rank. My site is 100% WordPress powered and yes there was a good amount of SEO that was involved in order to get my site to rank #1 for my name.
Sure you can use just SEO or Social Media independently of one another but they deliver greater results when they are used together to form a cohesive strategy.
How have you been incorporating your SEO and Social Media strategies together?
Thanks for reading!