Here’s a neat tool that many of you may like that measures your twitter influence. If you recall, not to long ago I wrote about another twitter tool from the folks who created Web Site Creator. The tool was called Twitter Grader, and I wasn’t to keen on it.
Today I found out about a new twitter tool called Twinfluence. Twinfluence actually gives you interesting information, for example I know that my reach on twitter is approximately 212,000 (this is pretty much the size of my whole twitter network including my followers and their followers). I also know that on average my twitter followers have around 316 followers of their own. Now not all of this information may be actionable (yet) however it’s interesting to see some twitter statistics to help me understand my followers a bit better.

I think Twinfluence is on the right track here with measuring the influence that a twitter user has, certainly this is much more efficient then “grading” a twitter follower. I for one, like to know that my twitter network spans approximately 212,000 users on twitter.
There are a few things that I would like to see on twinfluence:
- When I share links I want to know how many times those links are viewed and how many times they are shared, think a very simple version of google analytics but for twitter.
- I would also like to know how active my twitter followers are, maybe some of them haven’t posted in months! It would be good to know how active my network is.
- I would love to know where my twitter followers are located, for example, is most of my network in San Francisco or New York? This would also be great for corporate twitter users as they will be able to know what their reach is in a particular geographic location
- On average how many replies to I get per question that I ask my network? Again this is very useful in measuring how active a particular twitter network is.
What do you think of twinfluence? What features or data would you like to see?