Twitter grader is exactly what it sounds like…a grade for your twitter. Of course it’s simple to use (otherwise nobody would use it) and all you have to do is enter in a twitter name, I used mine as an example:
Then you click on get your grade and you are presented with a tweet cloud and a tweet summary. Apparently I scored a 94, meaning I’m rated higher than 94% of the 30+ thousand who have graded themselves.
This brings me to my next point of who the hell cares?! So I have a 94…yeah…and? The grades are mainly based on how many followers you have and I certainly don’t need a grade to tell me who those people are. I really hope that people aren’t going to start using this damn thing to grade their twitter usage. Can you imagine someone grading your facebook usage or your (insert social media platform of choice here) usage? Come on guys seriously? You know how I “grade” my twitter usage? By the amount and the quality of interactions I have with my twitter followers, not be a script that tells me I score a 94. In short, this grade is utterly meaningless, provides nothing actionable, and is just another superfluous tool out there that does nothing but flash a number in my face that is meant to control how I twitter.
I cannot imagine people actually using this tool to judge how “successful” their twitter usage is (damn it yes I had to use to show you people!). Don’t mean to sound too crazy here (yes I do) but l just don’t like this extra added pressure or idea of being “graded” on your twitter usage.
Having said that if you graded yourself and did not score about 90+ then we can no longer talk or interact in any way (of course im kidding, I love you guys/girls).
what do you think about twitter grader? and more importantly why do you think it was created?
thanks for reading