No I’m not going to take sides or comment on what seems to be a reenactment of “high school” but on the internet. I’m simply going to point you to resources and let you read them and make up your own minds.
Michael Arrington tell everyone to calm down with all the crazy coverage and bitching out there about TC50 vs Demo.
Chris Shipley speaks and rips of a Robert Scoble testicle and a Sarah Lacy breast while defending DEMO.
Scoble says all the websites of startup companies presenting at DEMO suck
Scoble get’s verbally bashed by almost everyone for insulting the DEMO websites and is called virtually every bad word you could think of, (rightfully so?)
Here’s me telling Robert to stop spreading SEO myths 🙂
please don’t start propagating seo myths by stating that,
“Because until someone links to your site you won’t be found very high on Google, which is where 99% of your customers will come from (not from tech blogs like this one, Shipley’s, or TechCrunch). Having a site like Demo link to you can mean the difference between being on the first page of results vs. being far lower.”
this is not how seo works, a simple link to your site won’t mean much unless the quality and the relevancy of the link is evaluated. if demo or techcrunch are linking to 60 companies from the same page, then the google “juice” is not going to be much at all. I hate this garbage seo speak i keep hearing about, if you don’t know seo then don’t talk about it because most of the stuff i keep reading is pure nonsense.
All I’m going to say on the subject is how very sad this is. If you look at the backgrounds of the people holding these conferences and covering the events, you would actually think that they were adults and smart folks right? What happened to being a grown up? Did mommy take away the lollipop from the ‘lil baby and get the baby upset?
What do you think about all this bitching, name calling, and insulting that’s going on?