This Thursday I’m going to be speaking at the Aquarium of the Bay during the Cool Twitter Conference series in SF. It’s actually funny how this speaking event came to fruition. I was actually looking around for upcoming speaking gigs in SF so I sent out a tweet on twitter asking if anyone knew of any events. Within a few minutes I had a response and a contact person to reach out to. Within 24 hours I was confirmed as a speaker at the event, a great example and case study of how to use your personal brand on twitter to create business opportunities, which coincidentally is what my talk is about. I’m also going to discuss how my new book Twittfaced came to be, thanks to the power of social media and utilizing a personal brand for a business opportunity.
The presentation is also going to be a bit of a challenge because Twitter is just one component of utilizing a personal brand to develop business opportunities.
All the talks for the day are 15 mins with 5 mins Q&A so it’s short and to the point, which I like. Here are some of the other speakers for the event.
Adam Metz
Metz Consulting
“Ka-Ching! Social Media Revenue Strategies with Twitter”
Sol Lipman
“The 12seconds Real-Time Media Engine”
Navid Safabakhsh
VP of Production, Principal
“Leveraging Twitter for Job Seeking and Recruitment – A Case Study on TweetyJobs”
eff Johnson
Vice President of Sales, The Americas
“Monitor, Analyze, Respond, & Repurpose: Toward a More Effective Utilization of Social Media”
It should be a great event. I’m going to do something very different in my talk and use my travel photos as slides. If you know me at all then you know that I absolutely love to travel, so I figured why not try to incorporate travel into my presentations? I think it’s a very unique and different way to present while also showing the audience a bit about who I am and what I love (while also providing valuable and useful information). We’ll see how well it goes over but for now this how I want to do my presentations, unless I get horrible feedback.
If you find yourself in San Francisco and want to attend use the code “SFSPGUEST” to get 50% off of the registration price. I hope to see you there!
What are your thoughts on using your personal brand on twitter to create business opportunities?