We are just putting the final touches on our comprehensive report on emergent collaboration.  We should release it within the next two weeks or so.  The report featursd responses from 234 practitioners from around the world contributing to 46 questions.  We cover everything from business drivers to budget allocation to strategy development to departmental sponsorship.  We really hope the report will serve as a stepping stone for organizations, consultants, and practitioners in the emergent collaboration space.

The report will be released for free so if you want to find out when it goes live then the best way to do that is to subscribe to our newsletter or to “like” us on facebook.

In the next few weeks we will also be releasing two new case studies on companies implementing emergent collaboration, both of them are quite in depth and will of course be available for free!

We really hope you find the resources and information that we put out valuable and useful and always appreciate it when you share it with friends and colleagues.
