Hang on (drinks whiskey and pops some vicodin).

Son of a bitch!  Just when I though it couldn’t possibly happen again, it did.  Microsoft has outdone itself in yet another demonstration of…(thinks of proper word) shit!

The first microsoft ad made me crave a churro, this ad make me crave a bottle of alcohol.  First of all the ad is over 4 mins long!  That’s right, over 4 mins of your favorite duo, Seinfeld and “I can’t act” Bill Gates, which concludes in Mr. Gates doing the robot (I never thought I would say that).

Yep, this is sure to get people to love Windows, or Microsoft, or whatever the hell it is these people are trying to get us love.  Watch the ad and then please let me know what you think, can’t wait to see what your reaction is going to be.  Thanks to the Seattle Times for releasing this, Venture Beat also wrote a nice piece on the new ad as well.

So?… what did you think?
