You may have heard about Mr. Tweet through the twitter grapevine, he (or it) has been making quite a stir and for good reason. I’m a pretty active twitter users and I’m always looking to engage in and learn more about my contacts and connections. Mr. Tweet helps me with just that. Mr. Tweet is branded as “your personal twitter assistant” and he exists to help you do 2 things:
1) to find influencers beyond your network
2) to see which of your followers you should be following back
Two very simple yet powerful objectives that most twitter users would find quite valuable.
So how does Mr. Tweet work? Simple, follow Mr Tweet on twitter and then within a few days you receive a message with a link that points you to a report.

Once you click on the link you receive as a twitter direct message you are taken to the following screen:

Simply click on one of the two options and you will presented with a list of folks and some of their stats, then you can choose to follow them from your report screen.

Mr Tweet is already quite popular on twitter with over 20,000 followers. I’m usually not to keen on services like twitter grader or other ego boosting twitter tools, but I actually see value in Mr. Tweet. I like knowing who other influencers are in my network and I like knowing more about my network and my twitter followers.
I was actually quite impressed that Mr Tweet recommended folks for me to follow such as
- Maggie Fox
- Fred Wilson
- Amanda Gravel
- Jeremy Wright
- Evan Williams
- etc.
The report stays active forever as far as I know, just visit your direct messages folder in twitter and click on the link to go back to your report page. There’s a lot you can learn from Mr. Tweet!
If you’re not following Mr. Tweet on twitter, give it a shot.

What do you think about Mr tweet? Have you heard of him yet or are you already using him?
Thanks for reading!