“What? What did he just say?” Ya, that’s right I said you can make money from your twitter account by using a new twitter ad service called twittad. With twittad you set a price for how much you are willing to sell ad space each month (on your twitter profile), then advertisers browse through and select the profiles that they want to advertise on. If you receive an offer you cam either accept or reject it.
Now before you get all excited about twittad I should mention that is probably one of the most inefficient marketplaces out there. Sure it would be great if people could actually make decent revenue but thanks to the crackheads out there that sell ad space on their profile for peanuts, that is not possible. There are people on twitad with 1000+ followers who are willing to sell their ad space for $15/month, now I ask you, where is the logic in this? There is absolutely no structure or guideline on how to price your ads. The same guy that sold his 1000+ follower twitter profile for $15/month was matched by someone else with 144 followers who is selling his ad space for $14/month!

I set up a test account at a price of $600/month. I have almost 600 twitter followers and a dollar per person per month seemed like a fairly reasonable price to me. But, how the hell are you supposed to make anything of substance when there are schmucks out there selling their ad space for less than the cost of a sandwich at quiznos!?
It’s a great idea and it does have a lot of potential but twittad needs to give people the opportunity to make something decent, after the 5% commission that twittad takes you are left with barely enough money to go a pixie stick at your local grocery store! (if you don’t know what a pixie stick is then….i dont know).
Would you use twittad? How much would you be willing to sell ad space for on your profile?