As part of their ongoing education series, Hootsuite and I teamed up to put together a short but valuable presentation around employee collaboration which fits nicely with the theme of my upcoming book, The Collaborative Organization.  The presentation focuses on “The 5 Key Principles to Ensure Success and Avoid Failure (for employee collaboration).”  I actually wrote about 12 principles of collaboration a few months ago but in this session we will be looking at five of them.

The discussion around enterprise collaboration is a big one and so I wanted to share what I consider to be 5 of some of the most important things that leaders and executives need to know and consider before going down this road.  Some of the key principles addressed in the recording are :

  • Putting strategy before technology
  • Listening to the voice of the employee
  • Individual vs corporate value
  • and 2 more which you will find out about on the session!

Those who register and attend the webinar will also have the chance to get a copy of my new book.
