Mahalo helmsman Jason Calacanis announced yesterday that he is going to give up the blogging game cold turkey. That’s right, he’s throwing in the towel. According to Jason Calacanis:
“It’s with a heavy heart, and much consideration, that today I would like to announce my retirement from blogging.”
Jason would like to focus on other things in life such as family and building deeper connections with a smaller group of people, which of course everyon should respect and undersand. Realistically how long can someone blog? If you think about it, blogging and online media has only really became popular with the current blogosphere. Meaning we haven’t had a turnover yet. As time goes by the current bloggers are eventually going to be replaced by the next generation of bloggers. This is actually a fairly novel concept because it hasn’t happened yet. A lot of the people who have helped influence and shape the internet are still out there blogging, but not forever.
I think Jason Calacanis is making a good choice if HE thinks he is making a good choice. Jason says he will never be back, but those of us who are passionate about what we do, know that it is no easy task to simply walk away from something you love, so who knows.
When today’s influential bloggers go away, tomorrow’s influential bloggers will replace them, “and so it goes…”
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