There are many reasons for why organizations invest in social and collaborative tools and strategies (or for that matter anything else). However, for successful organizations change doesn’t typically happen unless there is either a problem that needs to be solved or an opportunity that needs to be pursued. There are some organizations that have invested in social and collaborative technologies without understanding why they were doing it, they didn’t perceive a problem and they didn’t see an opportunity. These organizations never mapped their collaboration use cases to platform requirements. They made the investment because other people were doing it and ran into heavy obstacles along the way because neither of the above two reasons existed. These companies purchased expensive hammers looking for things to bash into the wall.
As the title of the post suggests, the first step to recovery is admitting that your organization has a problem (or an opportunity). If your organizations doesn’t accept and understand that it’s time to change and that their are better and more effective ways of working then there is no point in allocating resources into these initiatives. The future of work cannot exist in an environment where business leaders don’t understand where the future of work is heading.