At a recent workshop for a large financial institution, a conversation was elicited about how to identify leaders within the organization. The employees were sitting around tables in various groups and no one really had an answer about who they felt the leaders were. So I gave them all paper and asked them to write down which members of their team and which senior members of the organization they would consider leaders. It should be someone whose behavior they want to emulate and team they’d like to be on. I noticed that the same names popped up over and over! So employees do recognize the leaders within their organizations, they just don’t publicly address it. All you have to do to identify the true leaders in your organization is ask! If necessary, try an anonymous exercise like I did. You have the tools at your disposal, will you use them to make your organization stronger?

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Jacob Morgan is a keynote speaker, author, and futurist. You can invite Jacob to keynote your next conference, subscribe to his videos on Youtube, check our his podcast, or subscribe to his newsletter!
