If you recall facebook used to allow you to update your status by saying, “jacob is…” Once the new facebook homepage design came about facebook decided to ask all of the users a question which is “what’s on your mind?”
Now I’m not really speaking from experience here but it seems to me like this is the type of question that I would get asked if I went to see a psychologist because I was complaining of scary dreams in which Marck Zuckerberg dresses up like a fairy and tries to kiss me (no I do not have these dreams).
Every time I go to update my status now I feel like I’m supposed to get some sort of response from Dr. Freud. Maybe it’s just me and I’m going a little crazy, in which case maybe I do need a good psychologist. On another note, is anyone else noticing the freaky resemblance between twitter and facebook now?
Just thought I’d throw that out there. Any thoughts on this?