Near my apartment in San Francisco there is a small dry cleaning shop. It’s a family run business that has been around for a while. What makes this particular dry cleaning shop different is that they have a large sticker posted on their window that says “We ‘heart’ our customers.” I actually wanted to take a picture of the sticker but didn’t have my camera on me.
The sticker is actually much more than just a sticker, it’s a branding tool, it’s the shop’s identity. Think about how powerful that is. This is shop that is saying they love all of their customers, regardless of how picky, finicky, rude, or snarky they may be. Imagine if large companies said they loved all of their customers and really made this a part of their mission and brand identity. Do you think we would get better customer service and support? I think we would. But think about how the company stands to benefit. Loyalty is a powerful concept. If a company/brand told you they loved you (and treated you as such) would be loyal to them? I sure would. If you were in the market for a dry cleaning service and came across one that said they love their customers would you begin using their service? I would
What can you do to show your customer that you love them, to make them feel like you actually care, to make them feel like you appreciate their business? Remember there are a lot of companies/brands out there that people can choose from, yet they chose you.
Do you love your customers?
Thanks for reading