We really can’t be certain of anything; not just in relation to our companies but in our personal lives as well. We talk about the future of work and collaboration but the truth is who knows what will happen. We can look at trends and make reasonable predictions based on the information we have available to us today but that’s far from true certainty. In fact the only thing that we can be sure of is uncertainty. We don’t know what tomorrow will bring and we don’t know what will happen to our companies in the short or the long term; we just don’t. So if we know that the only thing we can be certain of is uncertainty, how do we go about facing that and mitigating that?
Let’s forget about all the discussions around collaboration and being able to find subject matter experts, building an engaged workforce, and connecting people to information and to each other; anytime, anywhere, and on any device. Throw that all out the window. At the end of the day the giant uncertainty factor still remains. Organizations have two options when facing this uncertainty. They can do so in a fragmented way where a few people at the top have all the information and where this connection to people and information doesn’t exist. Or, they can face the uncertain future as a connected, engaged, and collaborative organization.
Which one do you think is more likely to succeed?
The challenges we are faced with in our companies are growing more complex and macro economic factors are throwing many of our successful companies into a turbulent sea of unpredictability where not every organization is able to avoid drowning. The best way to mitigate this and face this hostile business environment is to invest in the technologies and strategies that are pushing us into the “future of work.”
How does your company want to approach this uncertainty?