As we approach 2012 I thought I’d create a short post and provide some ideas for collaborative new years resolutions for organizations.

My company (or I) will:

  • Educate employees around collaboration in the workplace
  • Make an effort to listen to employees and find out what their needs are
  • Try our best to inspire employees
  • Explore some of the many collaborative tools that exist today, if anything, just to understand what they do
  • Identify some of the business drivers, problems, or opportunities around collaboration
  • Not focus on busy metrics to understand employee “engagement” but will instead try to understand what makes and “engaged” employee
  • Understand who our evangelists are in the workplace
  • Will not simply brush off the idea of collaboration by saying “it’s not a priority”
  • Attend some conferences around the topic of collaboration or hire someone to come speak to our executives around what collaboration can do for the company
  • Commit to making collaboration a reality

Do you have another collaborative new years resolution to add?

I’m really looking forward to 2012 with lots of exciting things just around the corner.  I’m grateful for everyone that has supported me and stood by me and I hope we will continue our relationship through 2012 and beyond.  I’m so lucky to have such a great girlfriend (Blake Landau), business partner (Connie Chan), and wonderful friends and family.  On behalf of Chess Media Group, have a happy, healthy, and prosperous 2012!
