Things to Read


The Future Of Work Show, Episode 10: Inside SAP

Join me as I go inside the offices of one of the world’s leading technology companies, SAP to see what they think about the future of work. SAP is an organization that is truly thinking about and investing in the future of work with their office designs, focus on attracting millennials, culture of learning and education, diversity programs, and their integration of technology in how work gets done. I tour several of their office buildings, speak with employees, and also interview their Chief Learning Officer (Jenny Dearborn) to get various perspectives on how SAP sees the workplace changing and what they are doing to adapt and prepare. This is a fun and informative episode that you won’t want to miss! […]

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Change Doesn’t Have to Start At The Top, But It Helps!

This is a very special Future in Five coming to you from Santiago, Chile, where I just finished speaking to 800 top HR leaders in Latin America. While visiting Santiago I was struck by the number of stray dogs everywhere. I learned that at one point the local government wanted to step in put these dogs to sleep. The people of Santiago were mortified, and there was an outcry against harming these animals. When a stray dog was found, the citizens of Santiago would step in to claim it as their own. The government, in turn, could not kill put a dog to sleep that belonged to someone. Today the stray dogs in Santiago are viewed as dogs that belong to the people. They are fed, looked after and during bad weather the locals give the dogs jackets to keep them warm and dry. I have not seen locals in any city thus far treat stray dogs with so much love and kindness. While taking pictures of a museum I saw a lady actually lay down on the floor next to a stray dog to give it a hug!
What is fascinating about this story, is that change didn’t start from the top, it started from ordinary people who wanted to see things done as they believed was right.

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Your Company Is Not Perfect, And That’s Okay

Today’s Future in Five comes to you from Orlando, where I delivered a keynote on the Future of Work and creating employee experiences to a group of around 1,000 business professionals. Let’s pretend that every one of the seats at this keynote venue represents one employee in the same company. Each one of these 1,000 people will have different interests, priorities, and ideas. How can an organization create great employee experiences that will speak to each employee?[…]

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The Future of Work Show – Episode 9: Inside Udemy

In this episode of The Future of Work Show Jacob goes inside the offices of Udemy, which is revolutionizing the education and learning space by allowing anyone to teach and learn almost anything. Udemy has beautiful offices located in downtown San Francisco, which feature a multitude of various spaces that employees can work in. I interview a few of their employees, tour their offices, and of course speak with their CEO to find out what Udemy thinks about the future of work. We explore everything from the future of learning and education to millennials in the workplace to the freelancer economy and the role of technology in shaping how the workplace is changing. Tune in and enjoy! […]

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How Important Is Connectivity To You?

This episode of The Future in 5 was filmed in Goa, which I can only describe as an “Indian Hawaii.” One of the things that amazes me here in India, is that no matter where you are, you will see some form of connectivity. Even in the most poverty-stricken areas you will see satellite dishes strapped to make-shift shelters. This caused me to think about connectivity, and how important it is for everyone.

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Why We Need More Diversity In Our Organizations

Today’s very special Future in Five comes to you from the Taj Mahal in India! Being in front of the Taj Mahal is inspiring, because so many different people from all over the world come together to see this amazing site. This caused me to reflect on the importance of diversity in the workplace. […]

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The 6 Freelance Work Models For All Organizations

Whether you call them contingent workers, freelancers, 1099 workers, or anything else, it appears that organizations around the world are thinking of ways to tap into this new workforce. While the size of this group is still not known (reports vary quite a bit), all of the business leaders I have been speaking with are thinking of ways to spend more money and resources investing in this area. […]

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The Top 8 Things You Need To Know About The Future Of Work

My team and I just hosted another Future of Work Forum in NYC for members of The Future of Work Community (a global brand council where companies explore how the workplace is changing). We were joined by some brilliant speakers and guests including the CHRO of AARP, Chief People Officer of Cisco, CIO of Xerox, CHRO of Pandora, Head of Innovation at Sanofi, CIO of IBM, EVP of HR at Staples, Brian Robertson (the founder of holacracy), CEO of Frog Design, and many others. We explored many topics around the future of work including but not limited to freelancers, corporate culture, technology and collaboration, people analytics, leadership, change management, holacracy and much more. I wanted to share the top eight learnings from the event. […]

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