Things to Read


Centro CEO On Three Trends Impacting The Future Of Leadership

When Shawn Riegsecker founded Centro in 2001, his goal was to create a digital media service for ad agencies.

He couldn’t have imagined how big it would become. Centro has appeared on Deloitte’s Technology Fast 500, The Inc. 500, and lists of best places to work for multiple years in a row. Shawn was also named the 2019 CEO of the Year by Illinois Technology Association.

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3 Ways Jeff Bezos Shows Emotional Intelligence

As the richest man in the world, Jeff Bezos’ net worth is larger than some countries’ GDPs—combined.

But what does the Amazon founder and CEO view as the top sign of intelligence? It’s not money or prestige—it’s the ability to admit when you are wrong.

Emotional intelligence is the foundation of Bezos’ strong leadership and one of the reasons he and his company are so successful. He leads in a way that recognizes and celebrates the softer sides of business and puts him in charge of his emotions. Emotional intelligence or as I like to call it in my book, the skill of Yoda, is one of the most important skills that a leaders can possess.

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There’s More To Life Than Work

One of the things that I have personally struggled with for a long time is seeing beyond my work.

This is especially challenging when you work for yourself. For many years I always felt a but guilty for not spending my free time working.

Even those of you who have more traditional full-time jobs I’m sure can relate. For many of us it’s quite hard to separate work and life, especially now during COVID-19.

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3 Companies with Great Mentoring Programs and Why You Should Have One Too

Have you ever had a great mentor? Someone who guided your career, helped you learn and grow, acted as a sounding board, or helped you transition to various stages of work and life?

Unfortunately, I never had a mentor or a coach at any of the organizations I worked for. I suppose that’s one of the reasons why I went off on my own 15 years ago. I never really felt that anyone had my back, was willing to guide me, or help me grow personally and professionally, and that’s a bit sad.

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What Does It Take To Be A Fortune 500 CEO? Perpetual Learning

Kathy Mazzarella is CEO of Graybar and one of just two dozen female CEOs in the Fortune 500. Kathy worked for Graybar, a global supply chain services company, for 32 years before becoming CEO. She started as a customer service representative and worked her way up through sales and marketing before becoming the SVP Sales and Marketing and eventually CEO.

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National Grid CEO Shares Three Ways To Be A Successful Future Leader -John Pettigrew

National Grid CEO Shares Three Ways To Be A Successful Future Leader

Before becoming CEO of British multinational electricity and gas utility company National Grid, John Pettigrew worked for the company for 25 years. He joined National Grid straight out of college in the early 1990s, when electricity and gas production was drastically different than it is today. To say he has seen the industry and his company change over the course of his career would be an understatement. But John knows that successful leaders anticipate change and are able to adapt quickly.

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