Due to current economic conditions now is the time to offer an outstanding product and service (and value), more so then any other time. Why? Because the average consumer has less money to spend and they are being much more vigilant with where there dollars are going. This means that you can no longer get by with offering a good product and a good service. Now is the time to show that you can provide extra value for your consumers or clients because if you don’t someone else will, and that’s where the business is going to do.
Think about this from the client/consumer side. You have less money to spend on products/services are you going to go with business A that offers consulting at 2k/week or are you going to go with business B that offers consulting at 2k/week plus a free follow-up strategy session a week later! Sometimes you don’t have to do much to show that little bit of extra value but you do need to show it, because it will come back to you when the economic conditions turn around.
Now is actually a great time for small businesses and consultants to shine by stepping up their game. Increase your turnaround times, work a few extra hours (for free), offer to help out in other areas, offer special promotions to your customers/clients, etc. Show them that you are able to provide that extra value that is going to make them say, “well this person/product is really offering a great value, especially during a time where money is tight, let’s stick with ’em.”
So think about your product offering, what small changes can you do in order to add more value? I’m not talking about a full business revamp here (well…maybe) but there has to be something you can do that will in some way help out your clients/customers. Something that will make them stick with you, something that will make them appreciate you even more, something that will make VALUE you even more.
How are you adding extra value?
thanks for reading