Have you ever wanted to be a gig worker/freelancer? If so, this video is just for you! I will be giving some high level information, tips, and advice from my 10+ years in this space.

I’ll be touching on the following topics:

1. Life Stage–Figuring out when to go off on your own
2. What is Gig Work?
3. How/Where to get started

My journey to becoming a gig worker/freelancer started about 13 years ago after having two terrible full time jobs after college. I was bringing value to the companies I was working for, I was making them money–but I was miserable. I hated my job. I realized there’s got to be a way that I can work directly for these companies as a freelancer where I can have more control over my experience. Long story short–I made it happen. Take a look at the video to learn the full details of how I went off on my own.

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