How well do you know your people?
It’s a question all future leaders must be able to answer positively.
One of the most important roles of leaders is to be coaches and motivate, inspire, and engage with their people. At the core of being a great coach is believing your job is to help other people become more successful than you.
And that starts by knowing your people and connecting with them. Great leaders and coaches know their employees as individuals, not just as workers.
Ask yourself these eight questions to know if you truly connect with your people.
1. What excites them most?
2. What stresses them out or drains them the most?
3. What are they most passionate about?
4. What are their strengths and weaknesses?
5. What are their hobbies or interests outside of work?
6. Do they have a family? If so, do you know anything about them?
7. What are their professional and personal goals?
8. What do they think of you as a leader?
These questions are crucial to knowing your employees and understanding what makes them tick. When you take time to connect with employees, you can create more effective teams and help your employees meet their goals and find success.
Be honest with yourself—if you don’t currently connect with your employees, use these questions as a way to start.

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There are 6 trends that are transforming leadership forever do you know what they are and are you ready for them? Download the PDF to learn what these 6 trends are and what you should be doing about each one of them. These are crucial for your leadership and career development in the future of work!
