An article by the “Technology Evangelist” states:
“You don’t need to have a 2-way conversation to build a large following on Twitter. Publishing content people interesting, such a software updates, headlines, or humor are valuable whether or not you engage your followers.”
Oh Really? You mean I’ve been wasting my time communicating with my twitter followers this whole time!? DAMN!!
The examples that “Ed Kohler” (the writer of the article) uses are:
- wordpress (wordpress)
- Barack Obama (BarackObama)
- macrumors (macrumors)
- Stephen Colbert (StephenColbert)
- Henry Rollins (HenryRollins)
The biggest flaw with Ed’s assumption “that you don’t need a 2-way communication on twitter” is that the examples he uses are already big name brands, companies, or individuals. I can say for a fact that one of the biggest factors that helped me get all of my followers, was interaction and communication. I think there needs to be a separation between established and non-established names. If you are running for president such as, oh…I don’t know, Barack Obama, then millions of people already know who you are and what you are trying to do, no kidding you’re going to have thousands of twitter followers. But if your name is Jacob Morgan and you’re not running for president, how the heck do you think you are going to get 30,000 + twitter followers? By spamming them and pushing out content to them? Put down the crack pipe my friend.
The second flaw with Ed’s assumption is that the goal of twitter is to “build a large following on twitter,” seriously? Do you actually think the goal that individuals and companies are going after is quantity of twitter followers? (I hope not). Twitter is used as a communication platform between people, it’s not the quantity of the people you have following but the quality. If you have 100,000 twitter followers and no 2 way interaction then what’s the point? That’s like using SEO to get your page ranked number 1 on google while your conversion rate stays at 0, let’s wise up here shall we?
What do you think? Do you need 2-way communication on twitter?
Thanks for reading