BizValueofCollaboration3Chess Media Group is hard at work with some big and exciting things for 2013!  One of the things we are going to be focusing on is providing more educational and strategic content around collaboration, the future of work, and the future workplace.  Based on a lot of conversations we have been having this type of content seems to be high in demand.  This first whitepaper we are releasing is on the Business Value of Collaboration.  The whitepaper is just a few pages long and looks at the hard and soft benefits of collaboration in the enterprise.

It’s an important topic to address because oftentimes we can get quite stuck trying to focus on numbers and dollar signs and forget about many of the soft benefits which can be just as valuable.

This is a great resource to pass around the office to help educate managers or co-workers who are really seeking to understand why collaboration is such a crucial investment.  A recent report by McKinsey showed that in the U.S. alone (in four sectors) there is untapped revenue potential to the tune of around $600-$900 billion annually as a result of work inefficiencies which can be improved though social and collaborative technologies.  These findings aren’t new, in face I’ve written about the business value of collaboration several times in the past and have referenced several other collaboration reports.

Be on the lookout for lots of other content (in many forms! but more on that later) that we will be releasing during 2013 and beyond.  We are also very interested in your feedback and ideas.  Is there a topic you want to see covered?  An issue that you want to see addressed?  Let me know in the comments section or email me (email in sidebar).

Download the latest whitepaper on the business value of collaboration.
