
Tomorrow I’m hosting the Hashtag Social Media conversation and it’s going to be all about ROI in the social media space.  Previous hosts of the event include Brian Solis, Jason Falls, Aaron Strout, and Scott Monty; so I’m really thrilled to be a part of this.  The folks over at Hashtag wrote this blog post to go over what we’re going to be talking about during our ROI chat but the 3 key points we’re going to address are:

  1. Whether Impact or ROI, what “Investments” could be measured to prove out value in Social Media?
  2. How can you prove value from Impact or ROI to executives to continue or try Social Media?
  3. What are some examples of businesses attaining true ROI from Social Media?

Plan on joining in this discussion Tuesday 11/10 at noon EST (9am PST).  To join either follow #sm33 on Twitter or follow the LIVE site.
