There is a lot of discussion over whether or not AI and automation will be taking over human jobs in the future, but let’s look at this issue from another viewpoint. What if, in fact, humans have been the ones taking jobs away from robots, AI and automation?
If you look at the jobs of the past, over the past 50-60 years, you can see that organizations were very focused on structure, processes, and the status quo. Employees showed up to a building at the same time everyday, they clocked in and worked, took a lunch break, worked some more and then went home. This is exactly the type of work that is meant for robots and automation, but up until now we have not had the technology to put them in place so we used humans as a placeholder.
Now, with our advanced technology we are able to put robots and AI in these monotonous jobs that they were designed to do. With this shift organizations are being forced to rethink and restructure the way they think about work and their employees. Really, when you think about it, this is an exciting time in which we are able to think about new models and new ways for humans to play an integral role in organizations. Do you agree with me? Use #AskTheFuturist on Twitter to share your thoughts on this subject. You can also use the hashtag to ask me a question for a future episode.
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