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The one stat you need to know

“More than 70% of organizations cite “capability gaps” as one of their top five challenges according to Bersin by Deloitte.”

What this episode is about and why you should care

Recruiting is fundamentally broken and oftentimes organizations can’t find the right person for the right job. Sitting in an interview and answering a bunch of questions about yourself doesn’t really tell organizations much about a prospective candidate, nor does it allow the candidate to truly share what their skills and competencies are. so what’s the solution? Perhaps it’s games and big data!

This episode talks about using games as an effective recruitment tool in determining a person’s potential, skills, talents, and strengths. I talked to the creator of Knack, Guy Halfteck, on how these games he created can help in discovering a person’s “knack” to identify career direction.

In the traditional recruitment process, a lot of people get jobs based on how they present themselves in person. This is where human judgment or subjectivity comes into play, and potentially leads to biases. While in games, you are judged based on scenarios you are presented with, where you have to make decisions based on those situations. Knack looks at over 200 variables for how someone plays a game including how long it takes them to make decisions, what kinds of decisions they make, where they hold the mouse cursor, how they prioritize actions, and a bunch of other things. The result of these games is a set of “knacks” which are presented in the form of types of badges which can tell an organization if someone is risk averse, cool-headed, empathetic, patient, and much more.

This is a fascinating look into a new area being known as “people analytics.”

What you will learn in this episode

  • The difference between using games and big data vs the traditional method of recruiting
  • How data collected using games can help recruiters figure out who the best people are
  • The amount and types of data you can collect from different types of games
  • Examples of recruitment scenario when games are incorporated in the application process
  • A look at the human component when shifting to this type of recruitment process
  • What the role of big data is within this new type of recruitment
  • How companies are using games for recruitment
  • Can these games prevent people from getting a high level job or from moving up?
  • Can knack solve the ultimate problem of skills gap that recruiting and talent management is facing today – getting the right people for the right job
  • What the future of the games and recruitment might look like

Links from the episode:

Knack (email:
