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The one stat you need to know
“Nearly 1 in 4 workers say they don’t trust their employer and only about half believe their employer is open and upfront with them.”
What this episode is about and why you should care
When we think about the future of work “Trust” falls flat and center as a topic that must be addressed, especially since it seems as though trust today seems to be at an all time low. We used to do business with a handshake and today we use massive legal document-based transactions which shows how companies and individuals have less trust between one another. We need trust among employees and among managers. Without trust we can innovate, collaborate, share, communicate, or work. So what has happened to trust over the past few years? How did we get to where we are today? What does the future of trust look like? And what do organizations need to be thinking about to help build trust among their employees and managers? Here to talk about trust is Charles Green who spent most of his career focusing on trust and trust-based businesses. He is one of the smartest guys I know and provides a fascinating and non-conventional perspective on what trust is and how to create it.
What you will learn in this episode
- Reasons why modern businesses have trust issues
- How the simple handshake agreement would pan out in the future
- How technology simplifies trust with a click of a button
- The problem of the distinction between lack of trustworthiness and lack of willingness to trust
- Distinction between trust towards people and trust towards institutions
- The decrease of trust and loyalty within organizations or businesses and its advantages
- Solutions for the decreasing loyalty of employees and retention of employees
- How the idea of “job-hopping” and trust relates with each other
- The importance of motives of millennials who are “job-hopping” and how “job-hopping” is not a bad thing
- How to build trust as an employee towards managers and peers
- The trust equation and how it works
- How to build trust as a manager towards employees
- The relevance of collaboration platforms with building up trust
- The advantages of sharing ideas and how it builds trust among people
- Ways to cut through long contracts and makes things much simpler and easier
- Advantages of being trusting in a business relationship and taking a personal risk
- The reciprocity of trust and how it works
- Charlie’s personal advice on people who had their trust tainted by other people’s betrayal
- How getting personal builds trust and its importance
- Charlie’s personal advice for people who are starting out in building trust
Links from the episode:
The Trusted Advisor (Amazon)