Things to Read


The Future Of Work Show, Episode 2: Inside Glassdoor

In episode 2 of The Future of Work Show, I go inside the offices of Glassdoor, which is a site and community dedicated to career transparency. They have the famous “best place to work” list and visitors to the site can see all sorts of fascinating information about almost any company including average salaries, if employees like the CEO, what the corporate culture is like, and much more. I figured if Glassdoor is offering all of this information about other companies then surely they must be a best place to work, too, right? […]

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The Future Of Work Show, Ep 1: Inside Atlassian

For the past few months I’ve been working on a big new project called The Future of Work Show. The idea is to actually go inside some of the world’s most forward thinking companies to see what they are thinking about and doing about the future of work. In episode 1 of The Future of Work Show, I go inside the offices of enterprise software company Atlassian where I speak with their president Jay Simons and interview a handful of their employees. […]

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The Evolution Of Freelance Work

I thought it would be interesting to take a look at how freelance work has evolved and where it actually came from. Check out the graphic below to see how things have changed over the past 200 years. This will give you an idea of where freelancing started, where it is today, and where it’s going. […]

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Why We Can No Longer Rely Only On Schools And Companies For Professional And Personal Development

There once was a time where everything you needed to know for your career was taught to you by the educational institution you attended and the company you worked for. Today by the time you graduate with a four year college degree most of the information you will learn will be outdated and perhaps obsolete. We have to take our professional and personal development into our own hands. We can no longer rely on educational institutions or corporations to give us all the tools and all the training we need to be successful. […]

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Is Amazon A Terrible Place To Work?

Recently the New York Times did a brutal expose on Amazon’s workplace practices which painted the company as an absolutely horrible place to work. Regardless of if you hate or love Amazon as a result of this recent debacle I think there are three key takeaways from this that we should all consider. […]

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