Things to Read


The Top 5 HR Trends For 2016 and Beyond!

I’m very excited and optimistic about the future of HR. This role is undergoing massive transformation both in terms of name and function. Over the past few months I’ve been fortunate enough to spend a lot of time speaking with some of the world’s top talent, human

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The Drag and Drop Employee

I wanted to introduce a concept which I think is starting to gain more momentum and will continue to do so over the coming years, especially as the freelancer economy continues to grow. It’s this concept of the drag and drop employee. If you have

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The Employee Experience Equation

I’m betting BIG on the concept of the employee experience which I believe is the next evolution of HR and people related functions inside of our organizations. We are already seeing employee experience related roles and executive titles emerge and the very concept of Human

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Three Unconventional Ways To Get Ahead At Your Company

As much as we keep hearing about the gig and freelancer economy, the reality is that most of still have full time jobs and at least for the foreseeable future this won’t change. This means that for most of us we still want to know how to succeed and thrive in the jobs and roles that we are in. However, most of the pieces of advice we hear about recommend things like making your manager look good, taking on extra work, trying to become friends with others, and the like. Instead, I want to propose a few non-conventional yet powerful approaches that employees can use to get ahead at work. […]

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Is Your Organization A Lab Or A Factory?

Is your organization a factory or a lab? Factories are linear, process centric, and focus on the status quo. Labs embrace failure, focus on innovation, and adapt. Organizations that want to succeed in the future of work must think of themselves more like labs and less like factories!

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5 Signs You’re Working For A Truly Great Company

If you were to ask people, “what makes a great company,” you would get quite a variety of responses. It’s one of those things that’s hard to define but easy to identify if you are part of a great company. I’ve had the opportunity to interview, work and speak with some of the world’s top business leaders to find out how they run their respective organizations and have noticed a few things that I wanted to share here. It’s great to see what there are organizations such as Glassdoor and the Great Place To Work Institute that score and rank organizations around being a “best” or “great” place to work. Still, there many organizations that aren’t on that list and are still wonderful places to work. Truly great companies have a “future-proof” advantage. So how can you tell if you are working for a truly great company? Here are five signs to look out for. […]

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Six Steps To Adapt To The Future Of Work

When I was writing my book, The Future of Work, I created a framework for adapting to coming changes that I call “The Six-Step Process for Adapting to the Future of Work.” (It was inspired in part by John Kotter’s well known “8-Step Process for Leading Change.”) I will be exploring my six-step process on a webinar in a few weeks, but here are the steps and what they entail (They’re best thought of as a never-ending loop) […]

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