Things to Read


Does Employee Experience Matter in the Growing Gig Economy?

Does focusing on employee experience even make sense in a world that is supposedly going to be dominated by freelancers and short-term employees? There’s been a lot of debate and confusion around this space, so it only makes sense to explore what’s going on here. Alternative work arrangements include everyone from Uber drivers to construction workers who work on independent contracts to those of us who work with staffing agencies for temporary employment. […]

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3 Lessons from Airbnb on Creating an Amazing Employee Experience

Most anyone who has done even a small amount of traveling knows about Airbnb. The company has transformed how travelers get accommodations, interact with new cultures, and visit locations around the world. But beyond the customer-facing model, the company is also a leader in creating a strong employee experience. Instead of following the traditional business model, Airbnb creates change and empowers employees at all levels, which has a huge effect on the success of the company, both monetarily and culturally. […]

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Flexible Work And The Future Of Work

What does it mean to have flexible work, and how will that affect the future of work? That was the question discussed by community members this week. Everyone has their own idea of what flexible work actually means, but for the most part it means being able to work anytime you want, anywhere you want. […]

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3 Ways The Role Of IT Is Changing

In the last decade, the role of the CIO and of IT in general has changed drastically. Instead of simply trying to get technology to the company for the least amount of money possible, the IT department today plays a much larger role in the overall strategy of the company. There’s never been a more exciting time to be in HR. Here are three of the biggest ways the role of IT is changing with the future of work. […]

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3 Month Update For “The Future If Community”

I created this community as a way to bring people together who are genuinely interested in exploring our future and doing some critical thinking around what that future can look like. The community isn’t just about sharing links to interesting articles, but actually having deep discussions around various themes. Each week we collectively pick a new topic to explore and then we dive as deep as we can around that topic. […]

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Why You Should Turn Your Company Into A Platform

Organizational structures and management styles come and go with the times, but some seem to stick around for longer and produce more successful companies. The latest version is the idea of a platform company, which is making waves across industries and changing how companies and employees think about collaboration and sharing ideas. […[

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How to Develop the Future Employee

It used to be that being an employee was a fairly well-defined process: people joined a company and stayed with that organization for their entire career, working their way up the ladder and building a nice retirement package. However, that career path is fast becoming the exception rather than the norm, as the idea of what it means to be an employee is constantly changing. […]

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These Are The Lowest Scoring Companies For Employee Experience

For the past few years I’ve been studying employee experience and with the help of Cisco and Lever, embarked on a research project to study and analyze over 250 organizations around the world including the Fortune 100 and the Fortune 100 Best Places to Work. The findings of this research are detailed in my new book called, The Employee Experience Advantage. I recently shared the top companies for employee experience, today I want to share the lowest scoring ones. […]

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