Things to Read


Collaborative-Focused Leadership

Things are definitely changing as we move towards the future of work, especially when it comes to leadership and how organizations are run. We’ve already talked about the skills managers will need in the future, but this week’s discussion focused on a slightly different topic—collaborative-focused leadership. […]

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Launch of The Employee Experience Crash Course

I give around 50 keynotes a year around the world to various organizations and conferences in all sorts of industries. One of the things that people always tell me after my talks is that they want more. How can they go beyond a 45-60 minute keynote to really grasp the concepts of employee experience? […]

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Why Transparency Matters to Employee Experience

Let’s rewind the clock 10 to 15 years. At that time, if you worked for an organization that wasn’t really treating people well, what would you do? In most cases, not much. There really wasn’t much transparency in the workplace, and employees didn’t have much of a voice. This meant that most organizations could pretty much treat employees however they wanted. Big organizations had cash and brand power, which translated to being able to attract the best talent. Brand power today ain’t what it used to be. You don’t automatically want to work for a company like Starbucks, Disney, or Ford just because of the name. These organizations are having to try much harder to get the people they need and want, and transparency is the key.[…]

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What Skills Will Managers Need in the Future?

What do you think of when you hear the word “manager”? In the traditional way of working, it was someone who was in charge of others and often acted like a slavedriver of sorts to make sure the job got done. But that’s not the case now, and it definitely won’t be the case in the future. As employees demand more flexibility and hierarchies disappear, the role of the manager is changing, and managers need to adopt new skills to keep up. ;…’

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How To Rethink Personal And Professional Relationships

Just like technology, office spaces, and work schedules are changing with the future of work, so too are relationships. Our personal and professional relationships have changed dramatically in the past few years, due in large part to new thinking about how we manage our time and separate our work and life responsibilities. […]

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What Will Office Spaces Be Like in the Future?

Cubicles, open design, work perks—there are lots of things to consider in an office space, and they all play a huge role in how employees work and the culture of a company. This week we discussed what office spaces will look like in the future and how many organizations are already taking steps to make their spaces more modern. […]

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How People Analytics Can Help You Build the Organization of The Future

People analytics is a core foundation for being able to create employee experiences. In today’s world, any company can replicate your business model, the goods you produce, or the services you offer. The only thing that organizations cannot copy is your people–they are your greatest competitive advantage. People analytics gives organizations the data and the insights they need to make people-related decisions while also empowering organizations to test ideas and run experiments. […]

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What Will Education Look Like In The Future

This week’s topic was in high demand and is something that has a huge effect on the future of work as a whole but also on most community members as individuals. What will the future of education look like? Will we learn from robots? Will schools even exist? Will universities drop in popularity? […]

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How Science Fiction Helps Us Predict and Create The Future

We see research and reports about what the future of life and work will be, but it can be hard to imagine how the research will actually play out and affect our everyday lives. If you’re struggling to imagine the future with autonomous vehicles, implanted phones, or machine learning, look no further than science fiction books and movies. […]

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Is an AI-Driven Future with Universal Base Income Possible?

Imagine a world where humans only work a few hours a week, robots and AI do almost all of the work, and we all receive a Universal Basic Income. Although it sounds very different from our current situation, it’s actually not that far fetched and could happen within the next 20-25 years. This week our community discussed the likelihood of this actually happening and what it would take for this hypothetical to turn into reality. […]

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