Things to Read


Want to Change Your Culture? Start By Redefining “Manager”

What do you think of when you hear the word “manager”? If you’re like many employees, the words that pop into your head could include zookeeper, cog-driver, or dictator or characteristics like outdated or out of touch. The typical definition of the word “manager” is simply a person who manages others. In many cases in the media and in real life, managers are portrayed as being aloof, arrogant, or simply incompetent and just there to do less work than their employees but make more money. It’s no surprise that many companies are turning away from the term mana […]ger because it can be viewed so negatively and seen as old fashioned.

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What Will Workplace Technology Look Like in 5 Years?

Technology is everywhere, and it plays a huge role in the evolution of offices and workplaces. Our community recently looked to the future to consider what is likely to happen with workplace technology in five years and what we need to do to prepare. Members shared their hopes, dreams, and fears for new workplace technology. […]

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How The Physical Environment Impacts Employee Experience

There are three key environments that make up the employee experience: technology, culture, and the physical space. I explore all three in my latest book, but let’s talk about the physical space, or the place where employees actually work. This is our surroundings and includes everything from the art that hangs on the wall to the catered meals the organization may offer to the cubicles or open floor plan employees may sit in. It comprises 30% of the employee experience. […]

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How The Internet Of Things Is Impacting Workspace And Building Design

Take a look at the number of connected devices around you right now. If you’re working, there are likely quite a few—smart phone, computer, tablet, wearable device, sensors, and more. It’s all part of the Internet of Things (IoT), and it’s becoming a huge part of our lives. We can hardly go anywhere or do anything without it being tracked and connected to other devices somehow. This connectivity and new technology plays a huge role in workspace design, which is what our community discussed this week. What needs to be done to workspace and building design to keep up with tech trends and the IoT? No one knows for sure, but our members posed some great questions and weighed in with some fascinating insights. [..]

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3 Foundations To A Culture Of Well-Being At Marriott

When we hear the word well-being, we likely think of health and wellness. And although that is an important part, well-being encompasses so much more. Marriott International, the largest hotel chain in the world, is also consistently named as one of the best places to work and an organization with the happiest employees. There are a number of factors that contribute to Marriott’s success, but a large part can be placed on the company’s emphasis on well-being. […]

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How To Be More Human In A Technology Enabled Organization

Technology is everywhere—from robots and chatbots to self-driving cars, wearable devices, and sensors, it is nearly impossible to escape advancing technology. As technology grows and plays a larger role within organizations, it is easy to let it take over. However, one of the most important things humans can do with technology is to just be human. This week our community discussed how we can combine people with technology for the best of both worlds. […]

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Four Things Entrepreneurs Need To Know In The Freelancer Economy

Entrepreneurship has always been the lifeblood of the business world, but things are changing with the growth of the freelancer economy. Instead of having to go create your own company to be your own boss, people can become contracted employees or gig workers to piece together a career that is perfect for them. What does this mean for companies and freelancers? We turned to Doug DeVos, president of Amway, a company that has decades of experience with freelancers and entrepreneurship. There are lots of things to learn from this interesting intersection of the modern workplace, but here are four top takeaways. […]

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