Things to Read


Three Things to Do to Make Employees Feel Valued

Imagine being part of an organization where you don’t feel valued. How would you feel when you show up to work, and more important, would you even want to show up for work? Spending time in these organizations can cause employees to hate their employers. Typically, feeling appreciated is more relevant to a specific project or tasks, and feeling valued is the overall and ongoing feeling that employees have. So, if you feel regularly appreciated, then you will in turn feel valued.

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How Should We Really Think About The Future Of Work?

What is the future of work? It’s a question people are always asking, but one that no one seems to really know the answer to. Maybe that’s because we’ve been thinking about it the wrong way. Instead of focusing on a single future that we can’t control, we should switch to an active mindset and ask what are the potential futures that might happen, and what do we need to do to get to the future we want to see?

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How To Achieve Peak Performance In The New World Of Work

In a world full of opportunity, technology, and distractions, what does it take to reach your true potential at work and be happy with your performance? Our community recently dug deep within themselves as we discussed how individuals can achieve peak performance in the new world of work. As personal satisfaction and a sense of purpose becomes more important for employees, people are on the hunt to know how prepare themselves to be the best employees they can be. A lot of what our community said came down to finding that elusive work balance and being prepared mentally.

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Data And Algorithms Make Mistakes Too

Take a quick look around your work desk–you likely have a smartphone, a wearable device, a way to clock in an out, and a computer that monitors what websites you go to. Perhaps you just took an employee survey or answered some questions about your experience with a store or service. It seems like no matter where you look in the business world, data is being collected and analyzed.

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Why Culture Matters at Work

Why Culture Matters At Work

Out of all the employees and business leaders whom I have interviewed over the years, the vast majority of them have always told me that culture is what they care about most. Unlike the physical and technological environments, cultural environment isn’t something that you can see, taste, touch, or breath in.

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The Big Lie Organizations Tell And How To Stop It

You’ve likely heard things like this during a job interview, or maybe you’ve even said them yourself to a potential new employee. But are the statements actually true? At some companies they are, but for the most part, these statements are part of the lies we’ve collectively been telling ourselves and everyone around us. When these new employees actually start, they realize how untrue the statements were in the hiring process. Instead of an open office, they find red tape, bureaucracy, and partitions. Managers are hard to communicate with, and the other employees are disengaged and stand off-ish. It leads to a negative work environment and unhappy employees. After all, no one likes to be told one thing only to realize that it couldn’t be further from the truth.

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Why You Should Stop Copying Google

Imagine working for a place that had unlimited free food, free rides to and from work, unlimited tech support, innovation labs, long maternity leave, the ability to bring your dog to work, and much more. Almost sounds too good to be true, doesn’t it? But believe it or not, that’s everyday life for employees of Google. Many other companies, like Netflix, Amazon, and Facebook, are also known for their amazing work environment and employee perks. It can be tempting for other companies to want to follow in their footsteps and do everything like Google and these other companies. But copying a company like Google or Facebook can actually hurt your company’s culture and employee experience.

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The Future Of Recruiting

It used to be physical job boards, then it was calling around on the phone, now it’s networking online and via social media. Recruiting and finding a job has changed over time, but how will it continue to evolve in the future? That’s the question our community tackled this week with a variety of perspectives from managers and employees.

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Why HR And IT Need To Become Best Friends

Imagine walking into a car dealership and telling one of the sales representatives that you’re looking for a car. When he or she asks what you are looking for, you say that it needs to be able to fit five people, have great horsepower and torque, be painted blue, and have all the new modern features of today’s car. The dealer says they have something for you and then proceeds to wheel out a Frankenstein-like monstrosity that has five seats all on the left side of the car, a massive engine on the right side of the car, a steering wheel that’s attached to the roof, and splotchy blue paint. And they expect you to buy it! When you voice your displeasure, the dealer says the car has everything you wanted. Technically, it does meet the bill, but it is not at all what you wanted or had in mind.

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