Things to Read


10 Leadership Trends in Business

The Center for Creative Leadership asked 247 executives about the trends in leadership. These are the 10 trends; to read the full document click on the link above. The Rise of Complex Challenges Current challenges are more complex than they were just 5 years ago

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15 Ways to Market Yourself on Linkedin

Many people don’t realize how powerful Linkedin really is. Linkedin is a great marketing tool for any company or individual. Recently Gary Kelly the CEO of Southwest Airlines, asked a question about how an airline can make people more productive. Well of course I jumped

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Milk Tea and Marketing

Down the street from my apartment there is a small Indian restaurant called Chutney that is usually packed with people. There are a few other Indian restaurants near by as well, all serving similar food at similar prices. So what makes the restaurant down the

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Presidents are Marketers Too!

A good president should also be a good marketer, and a good marketer knows how to convert people into participants. So which presidential candidate’s website is poised for better conversion? I will take a look at the websites of three presidential candidates and examine the

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Get that flyer Off My Car!

Recently a friend of mine went to go place flyers on car windshields in support of a political candidate. Marketing to people without their permission is one of the worst things you can do. It leaves a sour taste in people’s mouthes. Remember that time

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Social Media Marketing is a Privilege

Just because you have access to a company’s video assets does not mean that you should stick them on youtube.Why? Because the whole concept behind social marketing is to have people spread your idea. You want to penetrate a community and then have it do

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