Things to Read


Who Owns Your Life?

It’s good to be ambitious and want to get things done; the world is a competitive place to live in and you have to work hard if you want to succeed (keep in mind success is subjective).  We all have to make certain sacrifices to

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Social Media for Recruiting

If you are a recruiter at any company then you really should be tapping into the social media space to look for future talent.  Recruiting via social media has several advantages over traditional recruiting methods: allows you to build short and long term relationships with

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Twittfaced Now Available on Amazon!

I’m excited to announce that Twittfaced is now available on Amazon.  Amazon says the book is currently out of stock because the book doesn’t come out for another few weeks but you can still order it now and have it delivered when the book is

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Lord Kelvin on Measurement

I wish I could say I found this quote myself but alas Dave Evans send it over to me via twitter as we were talking about…measurement and ROI.  It’s funny to think that the quote below is around 120 years old yet it’s still to

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