Things to Read


The Importance of Excitement in Life

I just recently came back from a short trip to Hawaii (sunburned and extremely angry with American Airlines).  I booked the flight on a Wednesday evening and flew out Thursday afternoon (the next day).  It was a spontaneous spur of the moment trip; I canceled

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Re-cap of SugarCon Day 1

I literally flew in from Maui (via LA) and hopped on a train to get to Sugarcon on very little sleep.  I’ve never attended a Sugarcon event before but boy, am I glad I did.  First of all I had the great pleasure of meeting

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Building Your World

People tell me I’m lucky.  I’m my own boss that works whenever and from wherever I want.  I don’t have to answer to anyone and I don’t have to work on things that I don’t love.  If I want to take off to travel somewhere

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