Things to Read


The 5 Types of Vulnerable Leaders: #4 Professor Personal

In my new book, Leading With Vulnerability, I interviewed over 100 CEOs around the world and surveyed nearly 14,000 employees in partnership with DDI. The goal of the book was to explore the difference between being vulnerable in your personal life versus being vulnerable at work and how current or aspiring leaders specifically should approach vulnerability in the RIGHT WAY. But what does that mean and how do you do that?

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5 Strategies For How To Have Difficult Conversations At Work

Are you finding it hard to initiate tough conversations at work because you feel unprepared? If you’re not equipped with the necessary skills for difficult workplace conversations, you might find yourself avoiding them instead of actively showcasing your strengths as a leader. This can be a significant barrier to demonstrating strong leadership.

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8 Top Speaking Tips to Get Your Point Across

Do you ever struggle to have your ideas heard or even get your point across? Discover the importance of understanding others before seeking to be understood. In this video, I’ll reveal techniques to improve your communication skills, emphasizing preparation, active listening, and audience comprehension to boost your ability to connect and communicate.

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