Things to Read


The 3 Best Tips For Changing Jobs

Over the past few months there has been a lot of turbulence in the workforce with people leaving their organizations both voluntarily and involuntarily.

Now could be an opportune time to consider reinventing yourself and exploring other opportunities. In fact, I’ve received countless emails and comments about this which is why my wife and I started our Be Your Own Boss Podcast!

Let’s say you decided it’s time for a change and are ready to switch jobs. What should you do now?

Switching jobs isn’t something that should be taken lightly, but if for example you find yourself in a toxic work environment where you can’t advance, it may be time to move on.

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3 Ways the CEO of Microsoft, Satya Nadella, Puts People First

A lot has been said about Satya Nadella’s turnaround of Microsoft, transforming it from a company many people viewed as outdated to one of the most valuable companies in the world with a strong culture. It could be the employee perks, new technology, or new customers, but what it really comes down to is this: Satya puts his people first. As I spoke with top CEOs from around the world for my new book, The Future Leader, Satya Nadella’s name constantly came up as a leader these CEOs admire. And for good reason: Satya is humble and people-focused and has a staggering 98% approval rating. By putting people first, he led an amazing turnaround at Microsoft and continues to guide it towards the future.

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The Ten Attributes of a CELEBRATED Culture

What is corporate culture?

Some people say it’s what happens when “the manager leaves the room.”

I prefer to think of corporate culture as the side effects of working for your organization.

Have you ever watched a show on TV only to be rudely interrupted by a commercial pitching you some kind of a prescription drug?

I always love when they get to the side effects which include things like: nausea, weight gain, hair loss, bleeding from the eyes, and in some cases death.

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The CEO of Newmont Mining on How to Focus on Value Over Volume

Should leaders focus more on value or volume? Quantity or quality? According to former Newmont Mining CEO Gary Goldberg, the answer is value.

Gary Goldberg led Newmont Mining’s 28,000 employees for seven years before stepping down in 2020. During his tenure, he turned the company’s performance around by focusing on value over volume. Instead of mining as much gold as possible, Gary led Newmont to mine the most valuable gold. The same principle applies to leadership. By focusing on delivering value for their organizations instead of focusing merely on volume or profits, leaders can create long-term success for their companies and employees.

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Practicing Self-Care Will Make You A Better Leader

Being a leader is hard…really hard.

As a leader one of your main responsibilities and privileges is to serve, hence the concept of the “servant leader.”

You need to serve your team, your customers, your partners, and your leaders (if you have them).

BUT… there is one group that leaders oftentimes forget to serve, and it is perhaps the most important one.

As a leader you also have to serve YOURSELF! Yes, you have to serve yourself.

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Is Your Company Viewed Positively? It Matters to Employees

Is your company viewed positively? It matters… a lot!

Making sure your organization is viewed positively can keep employees happy and proud to be associated with your brand.

Have you ever dated someone who you thought was a great catch, and then all of your friends and family members told you that they didn’t like him or her? Even if you thought this person was “the one,” you started to have doubts and reservations about them. The same is true in the business world.

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The Game Of Business Has Changed

Business has always been a game.

Just like top athletes train and practice to come out victorious, companies train and prepare so they can beat the competition. Instead of scoring home runs or goals, however, companies compete on things like revenue, profit, and quarterly metrics.

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