Things to Read


#1 Question You Should Ask Before Becoming an Entrepreneur

Are you ready to jump into becoming an entrepreneur and go off on your own?

There’s one important question you need to ask yourself: “What am I going to sell?”

In other words, how are you going to make money? Without a product or service to sell, you can’t have a profitable business.

It may sound simple, but so many people think they can make the switch to being an entrepreneur without putting real thought into what they will sell.

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How to Get a Response From A Prospect

Have a person you want to interview, a product you want to sell, or a connection you want to make? You’ll likely send that person an email.
But chances are you’re not the only one who wants to target a person, and they might get dozens of similar messages every day. And they probably delete 95% of them.

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3 Strategies To Move From Negative To Positive Thinking

If you want to succeed in anything in life, from being an entrepreneur to playing competitive chess, you have to learn how to think positively.
So often, our default language to ourselves is negative. With every little mistake, we start to beat ourselves up and think negative thoughts.
But the best mindset you can create shifts that negative self-talk to positive self-talk.

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How to Practice Servant Leadership

Where do leaders sit in your organization—on the top or at the bottom?
Up until the last five or ten years, many organizations followed a traditional hierarchy with the leader on the top of the pyramid telling everyone what to do.
But now we’re seeing an inversion where the leader is at the bottom propping everyone else up.

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