Things to Read


Pepsi Wants Your Children!

The picture below says it all.  The picture was taken at the Santa Cruz boardwalk.  Talk about trying to market to children, pepsi created an entire ride devoted to shipping!  I wonder what these children are going to be drinking when they grow up What

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Happy Father's Day!

Happy father’s day everyone and most importantly happy father’s day dad! You have taught me a lot over the years and I have become the person that I am today thanks to you (well, mom helped too). Did you know that the first father’s day

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Cliches, do You Use Them?

If you have been to a business meeting, worked at a company, or have ventured outside of your house, chances are you have most likely heard a cliche… we all have and well know it’s cliche right when we hear it.  “Bring your ‘A’ game,

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Tropic Thunder Viral Video

For those of you who haven’t seen the tropic of thunder “viral” video here it is. I think they did a great job with this. My comments follow after the video. I am very curious to hear what you think. I laughed so hard I

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Do You Love Your Customers?

Near my apartment in San Francisco there is a small dry cleaning shop. It’s a family run business that has been around for a while. What makes this particular dry cleaning shop different is that they have a large sticker posted on their window that

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