Things to Read


Is Too Much Choice a Bad Thing?

Is giving your customers too much choice really a bad thing?  Barry Schwartz a renowned psychologist explores the paradox of choice in this interesting video from the TED conference.  How much choice are you giving your customers? I would love to hear your feeback/thoughts on

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The Almighty "Superbrand," What is it?

Several of today’s popular brands have become “super” brands. That is, their branding has gone beyond just what their product offers and the brand has actually become a part of our everyday life or our everyday speak. For example: If you can’t find something just

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Scarcity, Good or Bad?

Scarcity is an interesting and powerful concept. Check out this post from Seth Godin’s blog regarding scarcity. I do think that there is line you should draw on exactly how scarce your product is.  The Apple Iphone is a bit scarce, but at the same

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Are You Adding Value to the Conversation?

A lot of conversations are taking place on line via twitter, facebook, blogs, seismic, etc. With the inherent addition of conversation tools and the addition of conversation starters, the value added to the end user slowly begins to dwindle. The amount of noise begins to

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