Things to Read


What do Retailers Know About Social Media?

Retailers such as JC Penney and Victoria’s Secret are turning to social media interaction to boost back to school sales.  According to an article by Information Week: “Social networking sites, virtual worlds, social shopping sites, visual search engines, interactive video, and widgets have emerged as

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What is a Community?

Nowadays if you ask people why they are using social media (or want to) you are more than likely to get a response that sounds like one of the following: “I want to use social media to interact with my community” “I want to build

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How Often do You Check Your Analytics?

Using an analytics tools such as “google analytics” is a great way to understand where your visitors come from and what they do when they visit your site (among other things).  However, I’ve noticed that a lot of folks are obsessed with their analytics, they

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How to Pitch to Bloggers

This morning I recevied yet another “pitch” from a company asking me to write about their new product or service.  My usual response is to either ignore the pitch or (more likely) to wish for a giant shard of bamboo to find it’s way directly

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Do You Need 2-Way Communication on Twitter?

An article by the “Technology Evangelist” states: “You don’t need to have a 2-way conversation to build a large following on Twitter. Publishing content people interesting, such a software updates, headlines, or humor are valuable whether or not you engage your followers.” Oh Really?  You

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Scoop on the New Ipod

Apparently Kevin Rose has some insider information on when the new ipods are coming and what they are going to look like, check it out: According to an article my Gizmodo we can expect: – Revamp of entire iPod line. – Small cosmetic changes to

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