Things to Read


Social Media Pick Up Lines

Us social media folks have our own way to pick up on girls (or guys).  Here’s a list of social media pick up lines that are sure to get you a date with that hot geek, technology lover, or social media guru.  Don’t forget to

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Future of Viral Marketing?

Todd Defren posted this video on his blog and I wanted to share it with all of you.  It’s actually pretty fun but pretty damn creepy, for some reason I actually see this as being a possibility 🙂 what do you think about the video?

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How Much Do VC's Really Know?

Has anyone noticed the amount of VC firms that are out there.  I can’t count how many I have met in the past few weeks, but it has been a lot.  This makes me wonder if VC’s are turning into web 2.0 companies.  What I

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