Things to Read


What is a Blog?

When I say the word “blog” what do you think of?  How would you define a “blog?”  I’m not talking about a correct definition or the wikipedia definition, I’m talking about YOUR definition.  If we just met and I asked you what a blog was,

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Are You Happy?

I’m sitting here in my hotel room in Antalya, Turkey overlooking the city and just thought about how lucky I am and how thankful I am to be able to travel and see the world.  This really made me think about how far I have

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Don't Have Enough Time?

I hear this a lot from people, apparently nobody has time for “stuff” anymore.  Well, sorry guys, I call bullshit.  Time is clearly a prized possession and is probably the most valuable resource that we have.  I’m the CMO of a startup, I’m the chief

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More Pictures from Turkey

Hope you enjoy these: hundreds of silk merchants at the silk market Mosque of Ortakoy as seen from the Maramar Sea University of Galatasaray, imagine going to school here On the ferry from Istanbul My grandfather with a pipe head of king midas King Midas

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Starting the Conversation, How?

Being able to start and participate in a conversation really is an art. Online conversations are very similar to offline conversations and if you want to be successful in the social media world, you need to be able to do both. I wish I could

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